Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Apocalypse of Zixlai

Yesterday I was looking on and came upon a thread posted by a friend, including photos of a Pentagram found in a cave, dated to the 2nd Century BC, in Israel. At first, I was simply fascinated by it, the possiblity that it could have been a ritual item, maybe for passing on mathematical secrets. Until I saw the note, depicting the letters engraved on the Pentagram. They spelled out "Jerusalem". (Here's a link:)

This sent a shockwave through me. It was precisely like a vision I had 13 years ago. It was December 30, 1995. Heres the entry from my Magick Journal from that day:

'Dream: A girl in Texas, involved in a traffic accident [normal dream stuff] that moment, the dream turned, and it was as if a powerful presence had entered my dream, as it suddenly became clear and vivid, and a loud voice said:"--You shall not speak unrightly if you call this the Apocalypse." Then an image appeared of an inverted pentagram [orange lines], inside were Hebrew letters, but they were shifting and hard to see....on the left [the words] "Dominaeus-Dominaei+Douid", on the right "Regnaeus-Regnuii+Elias"...also, in the center, I saw a circular pool of water, through which I could see the city of Jerusalem (as if behind a curtain of water)...The pentagram faded, and the dream then returned to its previous, non-clear state, continuing the story about the motorcycle accident...'

So, when I see the Pentagram from my vision of 13 years ago, suddenly appear in real life, before my very eyes, I am more than a little shaken by this.

Prior to this I was focussing only on my own little world, but this has opened my eyes to the possiblity that there is something very big about to go down. I am thinking, now might be a good time to tell everyone I love how good it has been to have known them.

You know, just in case a big meteor (or worse) might be coming. Oh, no, I am not in a bad mood. Far from it. But thats part of what disturbs me. So far, I have never felt any strange vibe, prior to something really bad happening in the objective world. Contrary to what some may believe, I dont think its possible to predict a catastrophe. I think they happen, and then later, people retro-actively project a feeling onto strange occurrences, which might have told them had they been paying attention, but no...nobody ever knows with certainty.

On the other hand, this 'Apocalypse' could be (as my sister says) just personal sign of my own awakening. Perhaps it is signalling I am free from Karma? I know this last year has been spent delving deep into my Karma and uncovering parts of my soul I had walled off from myself.

Perhaps thats all it is. If so, I will embrace it joyfully.

If not, well,...all I'm saying is, try to enjoy whatever life brings you. Ya never know. The person you help, could turn out to be Jupiter in disguise! ;-)